Graham "Booze Cruise" Temples

Graham Temples, the man formerly known as "stud muffin," has finally come out of his eight year mediation in the high Andes mountains, and is ready to play some FRISBEE! Graham is a simple guy, he get's 4.0s in school, eats only nacho cheese doritos on the fourth of july, and loves to throw a good dump pass. Graham is also a crucial member of SC's upstate bagpipe club (not a joke). Graham has been "playing" frisbee since his Junior year of high school, but until recently, you may not have been able to tell. His favorite throw is the one to him in the endzone to "Scope" on fools. In his spare time he likes to play super smash bros. (N64 style) and to collect that data. I would not describe Graham as majestic but Graham usually describes his favorite things as majestic.