Kyle "Squirrel" Fairchild

From Pasadena MD Squirrel is one of our fastest players and even if you could catch him in a race there's no way you can keep up with his cuts this kid is... well, squirrelly. His sports background is too exstensive to list but just know he is a man of many faces. His favorite pastime is brewing beer with his friend who is 21 years old and let me tell as someone who has had his "Leggy Blonde" brew it is delicious and for a dollar a beer who can beat it?! When asked if he could be anyone for a day who would it be he responded with "James Bond" but which james bond we will never know. His favorite memory in Ultimate was skying a 5'11" guy and my favorite memory of him was drinking his homebrewed beer (seriously you need to try it). Ladies and Gentlemen, Kyle "Squirrel" Fairchild.